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Ahad, 15 September 2013


Bunga yang cantik boleh mempengaruhi suasana hati menjadi lebih baik, harmoni dan tenteram. Terutama sekali bunga yang memiliki wangi dan aroma  khas. Berikut adalah sedikit fakta tentang bunga.

Mawar merahBunga mawar yang berwarna merah merupakan simbol sensualiti dan cinta kasih.

KambojaBunga yang memiliki wangi yang khas dan menyemerakkan suasana.

MelatiSesuai dijadikan dekorasi dan mempunyai aroma kuat. Ia mempunyai  efek sensual dengan pasangan.

TulipJenis bunga ini juga  mampu memberi efek sensual. Bunga tulip berwarna merah adalah simbol pasangan sempurna.

Isnin, 1 April 2013


Cikgu Maikat Umpiliu Secebis kisah di antara Kg Magandai dan Cikgu Mikat. Cikgu Mikat bukanlah nama yang asing kampung ini. Terlalu banyak sumbangan dan pengorbanan beliau pada penduduk kampung dan juga murid-murid di sekolah ini. Beliau adalah guru serbaboleh. Guru yang tahan lasak dan pernah mengikuti latihan askar wataniah ketika belajar di universiti. 
         Tidak hairanlah, beliau adalah antara guru yang tidak pernah mengalah pada cuaca buruk, bencana tanah runtuh, hutan tebal, bukit-bukau, kegelapan malam, dingin dan sebagainya. Beliau tetap akan ke sekolah walaupun keadaan jalan raya dalam keadaan teruk.  Terjatuh daripada motor, masuk parit, jatuh dalam sungai, mengarungi lumpur telah menjadi asam garam hidupnya. 
          Beliau juga turut mengorbankan wang ringgit untuk kepentingan orang lain. Beliau membelakangkan kepentingan dirinya dengan meminjamkan wang kepada penduduk kampung yang ditimpa masalah seperti kematian, sakit dan sebagainya. Beliau turut menyekolahkan beberapa pelajar Sk. Magandai di sekolah menengah. Kenderaan sendiri menjadi korban untuk keperluan sekolah, beliau bersama guru besar En.Juradi Masadang dan guru Pk. Hem En.Joinin Jabil anak-anak Magandai. 
                  Ketika  guru dan pelajar Sk. Magandai  jatuh sakit beliaulah yang akan menghantar mereka ke hospital dengan kenderaannya sendiri tanpa memikirkan kos perjalanan tersebut. Walaupun pada saat ini, beliau disyaki sakit jantung. Namun begitu, beliau tetap gagahkan diri pergi ke Sk. Magandai tanpa mengira masa, waktu sekolah mahupun cuti sekolah. Terlalu banyak pengorbanan beliau yang tidak dapat diungkapkan di sini. Warga pendidik dan warga Sk. Magandai mendoakan agar beliau sihat walafiat. Kerana semangat beliaulah telah membakar semangat setiap warga Sk. Magandai untuk terus maju. Terima kasih Cikgu MIKAT UMPILIU. Jasa mu sentiasa dikenang.

Sabtu, 23 Mac 2013


Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM) pimpinan Badrul Hisham Sharin atau Cikgu Bard dengan kerjasama Angakatan Perubahan Sabah (APS) telah mengadakan majlis dinamakan Mahkamah Rakyat: Isu Sebenar Lahad Datu - Siapa Pengkianat Sebenar pada malam Isnin lalu telah merumuskan lima perkara berhubung isu yang berlaku di Sabah hari ini.

Lima perkara itu ialah;

Tiada siapa yang tidak menghargai pengorbanan prajurit negara, sebaliknya muncul membela kematian wira negara.

Pemberian IC menggadai kedaulatan negara memang berlaku malah turut dibuktikan BN terlibat mewujudkan huru – hara sehingga sanggup mengakibatkan kematian ketika hilang polulariti. Ia berlaku setiap kali Umno BN kalah malah kali ini Umno BN bakal kehilangan Putrajaya.

Projek IC menyebabkan banyak masalah, ramai punya dua kerakyatan (contoh Filipina dan Malaysia), kerakyatan diberikan hanya untuk mengundi BN bukan kerana kesetiaan pada negara, Jeneral kumpulan militan yang menyerang bukan sahaja punya IC tetapi pernah menjadi pegawai kerajaan BN Sabah dan ramai antara mereka juga punya IC.

Pemimpin BN lemah dalam pertahan kedaulatan hingga menyebabkan operasi meleret dan mengorbankan prajurit negara. Hishamuddin pada mulanya umum yang penceroboh bukan militan/pengganas dan perlu berunding? Persoalannya kenapa berunding? Apa isi perundingan? Apa yang diselindungkan? Hishamuddin harus bercakap benar dan meminta maaf pada rakyat Malaysia.

Mahkamah Rakyat memutuskan Malaysia dalam bahaya kerana punya pemimpin lemah dan hanya tahu mempolitikan semua perkara. Semua sebulat suara memutuskan Dr. Mahathir pengkhianat negara dan harus dihadapkan kemuka pengadilan, satu sidang parlimen khas harus dipanggil serta kertas putih Lahad Datu harus dikeluarkan segera sebelum PRU.

Majlis itu mendapat sambutan hangat dengan dihadiri lebih 5,000. Dewan Perhimpunan Cina Selangor tempat majlis itu diadakan penuh sesak sehingga melimpah ke luar dewan. Orang ramai yang ingin mengetahui kisah sebenar mengenai isu Sabah sanggup duduk dan berdiri di jalan raya.

Program dikendalikan secara 3 segmentasi - Segmentasi suara anak muda telah menampilkan Boby (Penyelaras SAMM Sabah), Freed (wakili suara anak muda Sabah) dan Sani Hamzah (Pengarah Pilihanraya DPPP selaku mewakili suara anak muda Semenanjung).

Segmentasi kedua menampilkan Hasnar dan Siti Aminah yang kedua–duanya bekas tahanan ISA. Hasnar dan Siti Aminah terlibat dalam projek kad pengenalan di bawah Dr.Mahathir yang mengadaikan kedaulatan dengan memberi warganegara secara mudah hanya untuk meraihkan kemenangan parti komponen BN.

Malah Hasnar secara jelas menyebut beliau bukan sahaja terlibat dalam projek Kad Pengenalan ketika menjadi Pegawai Daerah Sandakan tetapi apabila parti Berjaya (komponen BN) tewas kepada PBS, beliau telah terlibat sebagai antara yang menimbulkan huru hara di Sabah. Rusuhan yang dikenali sebagai ‘silent riot’ itu sememangnya dicipta BN dengan perlindungan anggota keselamatan, agensi kerajaan malah beliau diminta membuat kecoh sehingga menyebabkan kematian.

Pendedahan mereka berdua benar–benar menyentak hadirin. Beberapa nama pimpinan besar selain Dr. Mahathir telah disebut dengan jelas sebagai pemimpin yang terlibat dalam projek IC Dr.M.

Segmentasi ketiga dimulakan dengan pidato Janeral (B) Dato' Ghafir yang menimbulkan persoalan penting mengenai kelemahan pemimpin politik dan mengganggu operasi di Lahad Datu.

Dua wakil APS Sabah iaitu Datuk Seri Panglima Wilfred Bumburing dan Datuk Kalakau Untul menegaskan betapa rakyat Sabah sengsara kerana projek IC dan sebahagian besar punca malasah di Sabah adalah angkara Dr. Mahathir.

Penduduk asal Sabah mahu terus kekal bersama Malaysia dan itu bukan pertikaianya. Majoriti warga Sabah sudah tidak sabar menanti PRU untuk melakukan perubahan

Rabu, 30 Januari 2013

Elephant poisoned

Rara Mountain Forest Reserve is no longer a safe haven for pigmy elephants or elephant Dwarf Borneo in Sabah about 10 elephants which is protected species, was found dead believed to be poisoned in the last two weeks. All the elephants are found dead from one family was believed to involve seven females and three males aged from four to 20 years.

Selasa, 29 Januari 2013

Khamis, 24 Januari 2013

‘Trichophagia’ or the habit of eating one’s own hair,

Siti Nasrah Binti Abdullah

A four-year-old girl, Siti Nasrah Binti Abdullah from Sandakan, Sabah, was found to have the rare disorder and was operated on by a team of surgeons who removed 800 grams of hair from her stomach at the Duchess of Kent Hospital here on December 24 last year.

The girl’s grandmother, in her 50s, told that she never knew her granddaughter was suffering from the disorder until she was informed of the discovery of a hairball in the latter’s stomach.The grandmother took her pale looking girl to the hospital in December after noticing the girl’s stomach was swollen.
According to Dr Vinod Kumar, a consultant surgeon at the Duchess of Kent Hospital’s Surgical Department, the girl was malnourished and suffering from abdominal pain when she was brought to the hospital. The 800-gram hairball.

“She was brought in with a swollen abdomen. While she was undergoing an ultrasound imaging and Computerized Tomography (CT) scan, we found a foreign mass in her stomach. The girl later underwent an oesophago-gastric-duodeno-scopy (OGDS) procedure.
“The hair accumulated in the gastrointestinal tract, causing symptoms such as indigestion and abdominal pain.

“If the hairball was small, non-invasive methods could be used to remove it. However, we found that the hairball was large and had to be surgically removed,” he said.
Looking at the large extracted hairball intertwined like a bird’s nest, it would seem that the girl had been eating her hair bit by bit for a long time.

Sabtu, 19 Januari 2013

Indian and Pakistan: Told how they got ICs

Indian man and a Pakistani man told the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on immigrants and identity card issues that they obtained Malaysian citizenship between two and three years after arriving in Sabah.

Mohamed Hussein from Pakistan and Mohidin Batcha Sariff from India also disclosed that they surrendered their passports upon receiving the blue Malaysian identity cards.
The duo and another Indian national also told the RCI that the identity cards issued to them stated that they were born in Sabah, even though their places of birth were in Pakistan and India. Mohamed’s IC states that he was born in Tawau while Aziz’s given birthplace is Kunak and Mohidin’s IC states Beaufort as birthplace.

All three men are registered voters and have voted several times, with Mohamed and Aziz also holding Malaysian passports which they had obtained after obtaining their identity cards. Both have also made several trips home to their country of birth.

A total of 29 witnesses have testified before the RCI panel which is headed by former High Court Judge of Sabah and Sarawak Tan Sri Datuk Amar Steve Shim Lip Liong. It also comprises former UMS vice chancellor Datuk Kamaruzaman Ampon, former Sabah State Attorney Tan Sri Herman Luping, Malaysia Crime Prevention Foundation deputy chairman and former Kuala Lumpur police chief Datuk Henry Chin Poy Wu and former State Secretary Datuk Kee Mustafa as Commissioners.

The hearing was adjourned yesterday until January 29.
The three witnesses, who were questioned by conducting Officer Jamil Ariffin, Sabah Law Association (SLA) representative Datuk John Sikayun, Dr Chong Eng Leong’s lawyer Datuk James Ghani and Ansari Abdullah, admitted to obtaining their Malaysian identity cards without having to submit any supporting documents with their applications.
Mohamed said he arrived from Pakistan in 1987 and obtained his Malaysian identity card in 1989 while Aziz said he arrived in late 1980s and also obtained his identity card in 1987.
Mohamed who admitted to being born in Pakistan in 1964 said he came to Sabah in early 1987 via Kuala Lumpur. He had traveled to Malaysia using a Pakistan passport.
According to Mohamed, he came to Sabah to seek a fortune and upon arriving here, he headed for Tawau where he got a job as a trader. He also told the panel that in 1988, he was approached by a fellow Pakistani and a few Malaysians who offered him a Malaysian identity card in exchange for his Pakistan passport.

During the course of questioning, he kept saying his memory was poor due to an accident in November last year.Mohamed agreed with Jamil that a few weeks after meeting the men, they took him to the National Registration Department (NRD) office in Tawau where they helped him fill in the application form as he was illiterate.

“You had your thumbprint taken and also paid the RM10 processing fee. Did you pay the group?” Jamil asked.“I was finger-printed, paid the RM10 and was issued with a receipt, but I did not pay the group,” Mohamed replied.

He said the identity card was issued to him in 1989 and he has since changed it to the MyKad without encountering any problems from NRD.
Replying to a question from Ansari, he said he voted for the first time in Papar but did not remember when, and that it was someone from NRD who suggested that he put Tawau as his place of birth when applying for the identity card.
Aziz said he traveled from India to Kuala Lumpur by air, then to Labuan FT and subsequently took a ferry to Sabah. He told the panel that while working at an Indian restaurant in the state capital, he and a few other workers were approached by a stranger who claimed to be a government officer and told them that he could help them in obtaining identity cards.

He said the man helped them fill in a form at the restaurant and told him to wait. The man came back four months later and handed him a blue Malaysian identity card, he said, adding that two of the workers there also got theirs.
Asked by Jamil whether the “officer” enquired about his passport, Aziz said: “Yes, but I told him that I had lost it.”

Mohidin, who is a former Sabah Muslim Indian Chamber of Commerce president, told the panel that in 1982 he went to the NRD office in Wisma Dang Bandang where he met a man named Mansor.

Mansor helped him fill in the form and although he did not submit any supporting documents, he obtained his identity card a year later. He also said he did not pay Mansor anything.
Mohidin denied the allegation by Sabahkini that he was one of those involved in issuing Malaysian identity cards to illegal immigrants from India.

Khamis, 17 Januari 2013

skandal IC haram

 Bekas Pengarah Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara Sabah, Ramli Kamaruddin mendedahkan, beliau mula merekrut pengundi hantu selepas secara peribadi menerima arahan dari Timbalan Menteri Dalam Negeri ketika itu, Tan Sri Megat Junid Megat Ayub.

Ketika memberi keterangan kepada Suruhanjaya Siasatan Diraja (RCI) mengenai pendatang di Sabah hari ini, Ramli mendakwa, beliau diarahkan untuk mengeluarkan resit kad pengenalan (IC) kepada pendatang asing menggunakan butiran mereka yang sudahpun ada dalam daftar pemilih tetapi tidak pernah mengundi sebelumnya.

Beliau mendakwa menerima panggilan dua minggu sebelum pilihan raya negeri Sabah pada 1994 untuk menemui Megat Junid di sebuah hotel.

Beliau mendakwa telah diarahkan untuk membantu memastikan akan kemenangan kerajaan negeri yang disokong oleh kerajaan Persekutuan.

Ramli mendakwa telah diarahkan untuk mengeluarkan resit JPN menggunakan nama dan nombor IC pengundi yang sudah ada dalam daftar pemilih dengan tujuan bagi membolehkan mereka mengundi.

Resit JPN adalah slip kad pengenalan sementara yang dikeluarkan sebelum menerima kad pengenalan sebenarnya. Dokumen tersebut adalah memadai untuk mengundi, jelas beliau.

Laporan penuh skandal IC haram:
1 -
2 -
— with Simon Hew.

Rabu, 16 Januari 2013


This happened in Punjab, India, were two pups fell by accident into a well,while playing with other siblings. The owner of the pups found 2 puppies missing in the group and later found the mother dog barking near a shallow well. To his surprise, he found the puppies in the well along with a King Cobra. They found that the Cobra which was supposed to be a threat for all animals including Man, was actually safeguarding the little pups from not getting drowned when the pups moved towards the danger area of the well.

This purely shows that, Cobra, which is supposed to be a dangerous animal to others also had the sense to know that the pups were merely Little creatures who are innocent and loving. Also, that perhaps the snake had the feelings to understand the love behind the the mother dogs bark.
People who gathered around din't have the courage to get into the well and save the pups because the snake was around. The puppies and the Snake remained in the well for 48 hrs, until the forest authority came and rescued the pups and the snake was released into the forest.


Sabtu, 5 Januari 2013

Body of newborn baby found floating at Pantai Kuala Laut, Putatan, Sabah.

A newborn baby boy was found floating at Pantai Kuala Laut, behind TamanTeluk Villa in Putatan yesterday. Penampang District Police Chief  said the body was found by an angler at about 11.20am yesterday. Police believe the baby was delivered less than 24 hours before the body was found.

The baby body has been taken to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital for a post-mortem, The witness, Nawawi Chiplin, 48, said he was at home when the angler who found the baby came to tell him that he saw a suspicious looking object floating at sea.“I went out to look and wasn’t sure if it was a fish or something else. To my horror, it was a dead baby. I didn’t dare touch it before the police came,” he said.

Nawawi said the baby’s legs were still red when they found him but the rest of the body had already turned blue. Police were investigating the case under Section 318 of the Penal Code for concealment of birth by secret disposal of a dead body.

Khamis, 3 Januari 2013


Two girls from Pogunon Penampang, Kota Kinabalu Sabah, Malaysia were missing. Jerald Solibun Melissa (14) and Sheena Spencer (12) reported missing while returning from church after Mass Christmas 2012. Who ever know where this girls, please report at the nearest police station. Please share this message on npapers, blogs, twitter and FB to help searching them.

Rabu, 2 Januari 2013

Girl Murdered and Dumped At Roadside By 5 Pakistan Man

NORIKOH Medical Student who raped and thrown out and now she died ....The Indian people are very angry, but the Malaysian People remain silent.....

The same case occurs in Kota Marudu Sabah.  A 16-years-old woman was raped and murdered by five  Pakistan men but it seems that many people remain silent. It believed that she had been raped by five workers at the shop furniture. The Victim found on Saturday 26.11.2012. The police report been done on the same day. The suspects then captured that day. An autopsy by doctors confirmed, that she was raped many times by more than a man.  

I felt very sad, bitter and upset with this incident. I urge the government of Sabah and Malaysia generally to bar the foreigners especially from Pakistan to come in in Malaysia.

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